Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How To heal from Domestic Violence

Healing from Domestic Violence this Thursday @ 9pm on the Goddess Round Table Internet Radio Show

Did you know that black American women experience intimate partner violence at rates 35% higher than their White counterparts and 2.5 times the rate of men and other races? Are you aware that approximately 29.

1% of black American females experience intimate partner violence – rape, physical assault, or stalking – in their lifetime? Have you heard that intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45?

In addition, black women face a greater likelihood of being arrested along with a perpetrator, and their children are more likely to end up in foster care when authorities are involved.

The Surgeon General of the United States reports that domestic violence causes more injury to adult women than cancers, heart attacks, or strokes.

FOR THIS REASON... I will be addressing how to heal from Domestic Violence as I could not find any references on the internet that said how to do so. All I could find was shelters, lawyers, statistics, organizations.. but nothing on how to heal. My sistas are still hurting and carrying this pain.. If I can heal from this, than so can you.

Make sure you tune into the Goddess Round Table and spread the word to all women you may think are in need.

www. blogtalkradio. com/goddessroundtable

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Feminine Sexuality - What they never told you

This is a very special blog to all of my sistahs that happen to read this. it is special, because we are special and it is especially us that need to know the power that we possess and so easily give away. Some of us think we are on top if we exploit it ourselves and get material gain in return.. How can this be if one never taps into the fullness of their power? it's like knowing the abc's, being able to sound them out phonetically, and saying them forwards and backwards but not being able to spell a word.

So many of us focus on "P" power but fail at using this same power to access our Goddess-hood, our immortal rites, and unlimited power of the Sacred Mother of the Universe..

The Ancient Ones left us keys to use to access the hidden doorways within our organic vehicle that we call "body". Unfortunately, some of these keys are taken literally and the symbolism is missed, or misunderstood altogether. We focus on things such as diet and nutrition, exercise, and some form of spiritual development - and that is if we are even to get this far at including all of these disciplines in our life. What is missed and often kept the same is our sexuality. Some of us do not embrace it because of the abuse. Some of us overly embrace the lower aspect of it because of abuse. Yet what is the connection between sexuality and our spiritual selves? Is there even a separation? Of course not!!! Don't be so silly - you silly girl you!

I will be discussing this topic in much further detail this Thursday, June 12 @ 9:00 p.m. pacific time

We will address:
The secret foundation to all things
The power of this foundation
Myths of the foundation
Misuse/abuse of the foundation
Accessing your rites to this foundation

You don't want to miss this... Listen up to the Goddess Round Table on Thursday @ 9 p.m.
