Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How To Heal A Broken Heart After A Breakup

I love falling in love, but I can't stand the break up!! It hurts so much, but you know how it is when you got to do what you got to do. I mean, let's face it, we get involved with others HOPING the relationship will work out, but as time goes on hidden agendas get revealed, you start to learn more about the other person that you didn't notice before, or perhaps you have been trying and trying and trying to make it work and it just ain't happening.

Well, have I got a treat for you! You no longer have to wait months to get over your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. All you need is to understand exactly what took place. If you follow my techniques, step by step, you should be healed between 7 to 21 days. Of course, as with anything else, it all depends on your level of commitment. You must be consistent otherwise, you will have very little results if any.

Before I begin with the techniques, let me explain a couple of things. Everything around us, including us is made up of energy. The human body itself is made up of a physical body along with several subtle bodies that become less and less dense the further you go outside the physical body. For example, there is your etheric body which is the blue print for the physical body, then there is the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, and so on and so on. Also, the human body has concentrated energy centers called chakras the receive life force energy from the universe and distributes it evenly throughout the body. Some of these chakras, which is sanskrit for wheels of light, can sometimes be overactive or underactive. Most people have overactive sacral chakras and they use this chakra as the foundation to determine if they are attracted to another person or not. The sacral chakra is over the reproductive organs amongst other things. When you feel sexually aroused, attracted, or turned on - this is the chakra that is responsible for that energy you are feeling.

So now, you feel this "attraction" towards another person and you engage them. During the time that you are in their space (i.e. you approach them and are talking to them), your sacral chakra will stimulate theirs. Depending on their level of attraction towards you, you will feel the cycle of energy spiraling between the two of you. Most people aren't sensitive enough to differentiate between their sexual energy and another's. So this is the point where the person chooses to ignore it or address it by agreeing to connect with you at another time. From the moment that you agree to go along with the attraction that you feel towards the other person, you have made an energetic link that will be stimulated anytime you think about that person. This link, is what we call "energy cords" and they are very real but only visible in the subtle body or by those who are visionaries or have clairevoyant abilities developed. These energy cords also serve as an exchange of energy between you and that other person and this is what delays your emotional healing.

When you break up with someone, this energy cord is still attached. In order for you to have a speedy recovery, you will need to remove this energy cord. This is the first step. Now, in addition to having energy cords between you and the other person, because you were communicating with that person, and more than likely planning a future, sharing thoughts, etc. etc.. you also share what we call common "thought forms" that live in your mental body. Thought forms are things that are in geometric shapes that carry thoughts and beliefs and feed off of the energy of their host - you. They want to live and they are alive so they basically function like a music song that has been looped or repeated.. It stays alive in your mental body by repeating the same thought over and over and over. Have you ever had a hard time NOT thinking about someone or thing? That is because it was a thought form. So now, I think you can tell where I am about to go with this. The next step in healing from a broken heart will be to transmute the thought form into something that carries a higher vibrational frequency that it does. Now you may be saying, vibrational frequency? what the? It's really not that complicated, I promise. Everything including us and our thoughts vibrate and thus has its own frequency.
The key to transmuting energy is to think and speak something that carries a higher frequency. In this case, it will be something dealing with your Higher Power.

Now that we got the bulk of the everything out of the way, let's walk through the techniques.


Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for 10 minutes. Breathe deeply from your diaphram (push your stomach out as you inhale, pull it in as your exhale) for a few moments to get yourself grounded and centered. Acknowledge your creator by giving thanks for all things that you have either in detail or not. Ask your creator to send the archangel Michael to come with the 2 red flaming swords (red for men, blue swords for women). Ask your creator for permission to talk to the higher self of the person you have a heartbreak over. Visualize that person a few feet away. Speak your heart to them, nicely and tell them why you are cutting the energy cords. After you speak your mind, ask the archangel michael to cut, sever, and disconnect all energy cords between you and that person. See the ends of those cords, if any are remaining in your subtle bodies, falling out and disintegrating. Ask Archangel Michael to send back your energy to you from that person, purged, cleansed, and purified. Make sure to send them back their energy purged, cleansed, and purified too.

Do this everyday until you no longer feel the need to speak them. It is also important that during this time you do not have any contact with that person, and do not linger on any memories of you and that person as this will reconnect the cords.


Transmuting Thought Forms

Every time a thought or a memory of that person comes to you, say "cancel, cancel, cancel" then say "I choose to think only on [name of your higher power]" and name everything that you are greatful for and really mean it!


Any time negative thoughts come to you such as "i'll never find anyone" or "i hate being alone" or anything that gets you down say "cancel, cancel, cancel" and then say "i am filled with positive energy" and say that for 5 minutes.

So exactly what are you doing by following these steps? In Step One, you are reconditioning your subtle bodies to no longer exchange energy between you and that person and to go back to how it was before you were with that person. In Step Two and Three, you are doing what we call positive reprogramming to your subconscious as your thought patterns have to be restructured. Your subconscious will accept whatever you tell it whether you believe what you are saying or not.